'I dreamed we were there. The plane leapt the tropopause, the safe air, and attained the outer rim, the ozone, which was ragged and torn, patches of it threadbare as old cheesecloth, and that was frightening. But I saw something that only I could see, because of my astonishing ability to see such things: Souls were rising, from the earth far below, souls of the dead, of people who had perished, from famine, from war, from the plague, and they floated up, like skydivers in reverse, limbs all akimbo, wheeling and spinning. And the souls of these departed joined hands, clasped ankles, and formed a web, a great net of souls, and the souls were three-atom oxygen molecules, of the stuff of ozone, and the outer rim absorbed them, and was repaired. Nothing is lost forever. In this world, there's a kind of painful progress. Longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead. At least I think that's so.'
Harper Pitt, in Angels in America
2 comentários:
há certos momentos, há certas séries, certas frases, certas palavras que me fazem gostar tanto de ser humana. esta insuperavel capacidade de conseguir ver a beleza e acreditar na sua capacidade, na nossa capacidade de tornar as coisas mais bonitas. e como esmo daqueles momentos em que tudo parece escuro e onde mal conseguimos ver uma saída há uma outra mão humana que nos afaga o cabelo...e entao a luz parece despontar lá ao fundo...e talvez, talvez se nos deixarmos adormecer num colo e dermos a mão, amanhã a luz esteja mais perto...anjos na américa...até hoje: a série da mnha vida. lindo!
Hmnn... inspiring.
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